Florida League of Cities

In 2017, the Advanced Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Act became effective, establishing a process for “wireless providers” – which includes both service providers and infrastructure companies (that install and manage such facilities) – to place “small wireless facilities” in municipality or county public rights-of-way. The law was substantially amended in 2019.

Having received various implementation questions, the Florida League of Cities has compiled resources with some considerations you may want to review to ensure your city is in compliance with the law.  

Implementation has varied. Below are ordinances shared with us by cities across the state. We welcome yours, too. Please contact Rebecca O'Hara with questions or if your city takes action on this issue.

State Resources

2018 Legislative Update: 
Small Cell Wireless Deployment CS/HB 7087 (House Ways and Means Committee) adds security funds to the list of certain taxes, fees, or other impositions that municipalities are prohibiting from imposing on dealers of communications services by ordinance or agreement. Effective July 1, 2018. Chapter No. 2018-118. (Hughes)

Wireless Deployment Sample Ordinances
NOTE: The following ordinances have been provided to the Florida League of Cities. The League makes no representation that any ordinance provision complies with the law. Please take this into consideration as you review any of these ordinances.

Examples of 5G Poles + Equipment in Florida Cities